Facebook notification within it’s platform informing users about features being disabled

From December 21, 2020 Facebook is disabling some very important features which advertisers are currently using to target audiences. This is to ensure that Facebook platforms are inline with ePrivacy changes put into effect by the European Union in order for the tech giant to comply with new rules on data usage.

These changes will not have a disruptive effect on the social media platform’s users since the core of these applications will not be effected. Marketing agencies on the other hand, will lose the capability of creating ads with a messaging objective. What exactly does this mean? This means that one of the cheapest and quickest ways of getting in touch with your audience on these platforms is now out of reach. This feature is especially unique and of importance to audiences in Malta where online behaviour shows that locals tend to press the messaging button with more ease than international audiences.

When we contacted our representative of Facebook Business’s support we were informed that this strategy will be disabled from Ads Manager. The “Click to Messenger” ads that were placed on Facebook, Instagram, or Facebook Messenger will not be available for the time being.

Facebook’s Ads Manager messaging campaign object to help user interact with businesses using Messenger

Facebook has not released a detailed list of what will be shutdown and has left the notification vague. In fact, when pressed for further details, our representative was unable to give more information. Features that will be shutdown include group chat polls, setting nicknames for friends on Messenger and stickers on Instagram. Certain file sends on direct Messenger and automated personalized replies on Messenger might also be disabled.

These change are said to be temporary and will be reinstated once all measures have been put in place to satisfy the directive within the EU countries which according the their support will be “very soon”. The 2002 Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive is designed protect internet users messages to limit what companies can do with your information and how the data is stored.

While this news appears to be all doom and gloom, there are many other great ways of reaching and communicating to both local and international audiences. Feel free to get in touch should you require any further information or advice on how to manage your Facebook and Instagram ads going forward.

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