
Guest blogging has been deemed a vital part of business’ SEO strategies, as guest posts endorse brands in more ways than one. Since 76% of editors aim to post around 1-10 guest blogs per week, now more than ever is the perfect time to get your creative juices flowing to get your brand out there and increase SEO. Take a look at these 6 tips on how guest blogging can greatly improve your SEO.

Create linkbacks to your site

When you write a guest blog, you should include linkbacks to your own site to promote your own business. In this way, whoever is reading your blog can instantly visit your website without the extra hassle of a Google search. More visits to your website results in higher ranking SEO! This is definitely a big plus from guest blogging, but it shouldn’t be your main goal. Unfortunately, many blog sites have stopped accepting guest bloggers due to the fact that most would submit a vague or boring article which is full of linkbacks to their own site. So, if you’re considering adding guest blogging to your SEO strategy, make sure that your articles have valuable information which don’t only make your business look good, but the blog site too. It’s also very important to make sure you are monitoring your site’s SEO to better understand what is working to improve your ranking.

Foster brand awareness

By including your brand name in as many relevant blog sites as possible, you are getting your brand out there for hundreds of people to recognise. The more people see your business, the higher the chances that they will remember and choose your company over others. If consumers know your brand, they may directly search for your business on Google instead of simply asking a question which your competitors may answer. Brand awareness therefore fosters local SEO, as the more clicks your website receives, the higher it will rank on Google. Moreover, guest blogging fosters brand awareness not only to the visitors of the site who read your article, but also to those who are running the site itself who may require your products or services for themselves.


Keep blogs relevant

It’s always vital to remember that quality supersedes quantity. Make sure that what you’re writing is valuable to people and directly answers their questions. Also, ensure that your content isn’t too promotional, as editors will surely refuse your submission. Keep your blog specific to the topic whilst not explicitly endorsing your brand. If visitors enjoy the read, they may choose to visit your site for similar blogs or more information on the topic. This creates traffic to your website whilst also creating a positive name for your company as one which is knowledgeable in your field and can offer valuable information.

Be consistent

As hundreds if not thousands of sites frequently post new blogs every day, it’s impossible to believe that one blog post a year will have any effect on your SEO. SEO is a constantly shifting marketing strategy which requires continuous performance. Therefore, it’s best to first develop a plan on how frequently you intend to write and post blogs on other sites. Whether it’s once a week or once a month is up to you, however it’s clear that the more frequent you post, the better your SEO is going to be. Yet, if you do decide to post quite regularly, you must ensure that the quality of your blogs doesn’t drop, as they can end up harming your SEO instead of helping.

Choose high authoritative sites

As a consequence of fake media which has taken over the internet in the last decade, readers are highly speculative of what they read online. This is why high authority sites receive much more visits than others. Authority sites ensure their readers that all material on their website is relevant to their focus area and can be trusted as true information. Due to their popularity, many readers choose their sites over others, which increases the chances of readers visiting your site from your guest blog. Since they have gained authority, these sites are quite picky as to which posts to accept to ensure that their reputation is not damaged. You must therefore make sure that the content you submit is relevant to their subject matter and engaging for readers.

Choose relevant sites which are in your niche

Considering the vast selection of blog sites, you should choose to partner with websites which are in your niche. Since the blog site specifically talks about issues which concern your business, it is also directed at those who may need or are interested in whatever you are offering. This results in readers following up on your site to find out more about your products and services, thus increasing traffic to your website. So, it’s important to be somewhat picky in your selection process so as not to waste your or theirs editors’ time. At the same time, however, it’s important to remember that not all blog submissions may be accepted, so you shouldn’t exclude sites which are similar to your niche too.

Contact us today to find out more about how to incorporate guest blogging in your SEO marketing strategy.

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